Useful Information


Weather Conditions

Min. Temperature:  15° C

Max. Temperature: 30° C

rel. Humidity: 50-70 %

Rain: 10-15 mm/m²

Wind: 6-11 m/s

Sunrise: 03:57

Sunset: 21:00


1 EUR ~ 54,00 RUB

1 US$ ~ 50,00 RUB

Time Zone


Other Info

EU citizens can get visa using Invitation Letter. To be able to prepare the invitation we need to get the following passport data:

1.       Full name

2.       Date of birth

3.       Passport #

4.       Valid till (min 6 months after visa dates)

5.       Nationality

6.       Arriving date


Tourist visa support is free of charge for all participants and guests if the hotel reservation is done through the official tourist office – company AcademService.

We need the following personal data:

7.       Full name

8.       Date of birth

9.       Passport #

10.       Valid till (min 6 months after visa dates)

11.       Nationality

12.       Arriving date


Citizens of USA, UK, Canada and Australia - we will provide invitation from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Please send us scans of the passports.


For invitations and tourist visa support

please contact us at: